P.O Box 700981 Entebbe, Uganda
Mon - Fri : 09.00 AM - 09.00 PM
Phone : +256 (0) 771 244 924 +256 (0) 39 3224058



Rail Cargo Solutions

Rail freight transportation continues to experience consistent demand, unaffected by global economic conditions. This sector boasts sustainable and dynamic features, including high carrying capacity, speed, and utmost cargo safety. Diplomatic Cargo Limited is dedicated to enabling clients to reap the benefits of railway cargo transportation across Europe, the CIS, China, and other countries.

Our team conducts a thorough analysis of client requirements and cargo characteristics, optimizing delivery routes, and providing accurate cost estimates. Diplomatic cargo efficiently organizes rail freight transportation for all types of goods, ensuring adherence to agreed-upon terms regardless of the delivery geography. Through close collaboration with reliable partners, we offer a flexible pricing policy and maintain a high level of service quality.


Millions of KM


Executed Orders


Satisfied Clients


Reliable Suppliers

----- Our Team -----

Our Expert Technical Team

FMusa Masereka
Company Secretary